CLA defends against challenges to intellectual freedom.
These links are not yet active, thank you for your patience.
- CLA issues Statement on Telecommunications Privacy (June 2013)
- CSEC Response to CLA Statement on Telecommunications Privacy (July 2013)
- DND Response to CLA Statement on Telecommunications Privacy (July 2013)
- PMs Office Acknowledges CLA Statement on Telecommunications Privacy (August 2013)
- DND Acknowledges CLA Statement on Telecommunications Privacy (August 2013)
- LAC Code of Conduct
- Revised LAC Code of Conduct (December 2013, External Site)
- ALA Letter to James Moore re: LAC code of conduct (April 2013)
- Letter to James Moore re: LAC code of conduct (April 2013)
- Statement on LAC code of conduct (March 2013)
- CLA Supports Dale Askey in Libel Suit Defence (February 2013)
- CLA continues its support for Dale Askey (March 2013)