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Libraries Matter. Your Voice Matters.
Prepare For A Canadian Library Association Event Like No Other!
As CLA winds down and the new Canadian Federation of Library Associations starts up, the June 1-3, 2016 meeting in Ottawa will be a watershed gathering.

This will not be another conference of talking heads and uncertain outcomes. Instead, we are hosting a forum centered on a key set of library issues of national importance.

Participate with colleagues from across Canada and around the world in focused dialogues and help craft outcomes that will advance the state of libraries and the emerging Federation. In sessions designed to inform and engage, those attending will consider some of the most critical challenges facing libraries in Canada.

This is an action oriented policy and advocacy forum. You will be challenged through discussion and debate, and your contributions will advance libraries in Canada.

We will celebrate the legacy of CLA and we will stimulate a new era of engagement, focus, vitality, and impact. As a community we are embarking on a new path. Help chart the way.

Why should you attend?
We are developing a strong program that will focus on 10 topics that are of great significance within the library community and in the end will form an advisory document of recommendations that will be presented to the Canadian Federation of Library Associations.

The 10 topics curated by CLA and member advisers include:

  1. LAC / National Digitization Strategy
  2. TRC Response
  3. Copyright / IP
  4. Digital Marketplace
  5. Intellectual Freedom
  6. Convergence “LAM” (Libraries, Archives, Museums)
  7. National Digital Strategy
  8. Unconference: Emerging Topics
  9. Competitive Landscapes (Value / ROI / Why Libraries)
  10. National Metrics

In addition to the program, we will include opportunities for networking with colleagues and the library vendor community in lunch and learn sessions as well as a newly formatted Supplier Show Case.

The forum will kick-off on Wednesday June 1st with an opening keynote at 1PM, optional network/committee meetings as well as the Innovative Technology session will run during the morning. The forum will conclude Friday June 3rd after lunch.

Rates / Accommodation / Conference at a glance / Sponsorship and Show Case information have been posted at
As forum details become available, updates will be posted.

2015 conference highlights and materials will still be available.

Follow the conference discussions on twitter #claott16